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Val Sarmassa Natural Reserve

Last update: 27 November 2018, 13:15

A natural reserve come from the sea

The Val Sarmassa natural reserve, established by the Piedmont Region in 1993 and subsequently expanded, covers an area of ​​over 230 hectares between the municipalities of Vinchio, Vaglio Serra and Incisa Scapaccino. From the geological point of view it is part of the Ligurian-Piedmontese Tertiary Basin, with soils belonging to the Lugagnano Clays of the Lower Pliocene (deep marine deposits with paleontological presence of mollusks, plants, corals and crabs) and to the Sands of Asti of the Middle Pliocene ( deposit formed by the slow lifting of the seabed with a rich presence of fossils, from the shells to the whales).

The Reserve includes hills and valleys with forests of chestnuts and oaks, of which a secular specimen, called "La Ru", is the natural monument of the Reserve. The undergrowth is populated by hawthorns, dog roses, honeysuckles, wild blackthorns and flowers like primroses, anemones, lilies of the valley, cornflowers, violets and even purple orchids.

In the woods live weasels, badgers, squirrels, baby octopuses, hares, foxes, hedgehogs, wild boars and now even roe deer. In the pristine Blue Lake pond small amphibians develop.

The Reserve is the ideal habitat for green and red peaks, hoopoes, great tits, jays, magpies and bee-eaters. There are also birds of prey such as buzzards, kestrels, owls.

In the Reserve there are recommended recommended itineraries and picnic areas and educational activities are carried out with schools.

The festival of the Reserve takes place the last Saturday of August with an event called “Ulysses on the hills”.

Guided tours in the Reserve.

Ente Parchi e Riserve Naturali Astigiane:
“Riserva naturale speciale della Val Sarmassa” 

Sede e direzione: Via San Martino, 5 
14100 Asti
Tel. 0141/592.091 – Fax 0141/593.777
Sede operativa: Piazza Vercelli, 1 - 14040 Vinchio (At)
Tel. 0141/950.237