The Cultural Organization Davide Lajolo
Last update: 26 November 2018, 20:00
President Laurana Lajolo
The Cultural Organization Davide Lajolo was established by the will of the family and the town of Vinchio; it is non-profit organization ( ONLUS ) and aims to pursue the following objectives:
• make known the work and the activities carried out by Davide Lajolo, journalist, writer and politician, both nationally and internationally. To this end it intends to acquire, store and catalog materials, manuscripts, letters, books, in addition to those already owned by the family, and collect documentation and research relating to the figure and work of the writer ensuring the usability particularly for young people and students;
• promote studies, conferences, publications, research, conferences, lessons of Davide Lajolo;
• promote the inventory and cataloging of the library, the archive, the writer's gallery with the purpose of consultation by scholars;
• to promote the study and knowledge of the economic, social and environmental structures of the territory of the Monferrato in order to contribute to its value and to the balanced process of its development;
• promote the historical and ethno-anthropological studies and the traditions of the Monferrato that enhance the image of the places and contribute to the cultural and environmental growth, taking into account the contribution given by the narrative work of Davide Lajolo;
• promote studies, research and initiatives in the field of literature, publishing, political culture, journalism and communication, sectors in which Davide Lajolo has operated;
• take care of the publication of volumes, periodicals, monographs, cd, and new technology products;
• organize seminars, courses, conferences, conferences, exhibitions and other forms of cultural communication;
• take care of the information of the Association's activity by means of communication and via the Internet;
• promote the affirmation of young artists and writers with the aim of building a local and regional network that sensitizes the territory and its inhabitants to the management of the cultural resources possessed.
La sede dell'Associazione è a Vinchio (AT) nella casa che fu di Rosetta e Davide Lajolo, Via Alta Luparia 5.
Tel. 0141/950128 Tel. - Fax 0141/212884